Thursday, April 05, 2007

So what exactly is a "prewired home security alarm system"

Many people are purchasing new homes in this vibrant interest driven marketplace. Most new homes today come with a pre-wired security alarm system. So what is this?
Many new home owners end up being shocked to find out how little this can actually mean. Pre-wired alarm does not necessarily mean the house is wired for what you would like in a security alarm system, in fact many are even wired below industry standards. For some basic information on security alarm systems and what is available, please feel free to check out our website at

So what is a new homeowner to do to ensure the pre-wire they are paying for is up to standard? Well first of all, the industry has a term referred to as “Home run”. Basically this means all windows, doors; motion detectors, glassbreak detectors, water sensors, smoke detectors, keypads etc… have individual dedicated wires running back to one panel location. With the price of copper, many “security alarm installers” are saving money by looping devices in the field. What this means, is one wire will leave the panel location go to the first window, and then another wire will continue to the next and so on. The problem with this is if one segment of that run goes faulty, the entire set of protection devices on that run could be compromised. Furthermore, is the issue of control, once again, please refer to under the false alarm tab to find out more information about individual zoning.

So how does one determine if the security alarm system is installed properly? Well for one, you could contact a home inspector. Unfortunately not all home inspectors actually address the issue of security alarm systems and cabling. They are more concerned with the larger picture of “will this house fall down”. So what is one to do? Well first of all, count all the detection devices, keypads etc in the field. This means every window that has a contact, every motion, every smoke detector that is wired for connection to the security system. Once you have come up with a number, go to the main panel location and count the number of wires. There should be at least the number you counted as well as additional wires for telephone connection and a siren. Some security alarm companies will even run spares, just in case they are needed later.

If you are one of the unfortunate souls to have purchased a home not wired to standard. There is no need to worry too much, as a qualified security alarm installer should be able to hardwire most locations. Do not let this downfall push you into getting a wireless security alarm system, as you may run into more problems than it is worth. See the archive at to read more about wireless security alarm systems and their downfalls.

Keepsafe systems installs services and provides alarm monitoring services for security alarm systems in the Vancouver area of the Lower Mainland Fraser Valley British Columbia


Anonymous said...

I was just searching for a company to hardwire my house and ran into this Blog. I purchased my home a number of years ago and ran into this very problem. When ADT came out to complete the installation, the installed said it was impossible to hardwire anything in my house and I was stuck with a wireless security system. Not only does it false alarm constantly, the window contacts are huge and ugly in comparison to the hidden ones in friends houses. Also the keypad is very big and obtrusive. I took a look through your website as well as this blog and you seem confident in that most houses can be hardwired. I know you ae in Vancouver Canada, but do you know of anyone in the Seattle WA area that is willing to hardwire a house. I think my home is fairly normal. It is 2 levels with an attic but no crawl space. If I send you pictures can you tell me if it is possible to hardwire?

KeepSafe Systems said...

Unfortunately, your situation is not unique. I won't mention alarm companies but there definately are some repeat offenders out there. Although wireless security alarm systems are easier to install, they do come with many faults and draw backs. If only these security alarm companies would quit being lazy and greedy.

As for the picture, sure not a problem. Just give me a call at 604-874-8772 and we can discuss your home. Since you are across the border, I cannot do the installation but at least I will be able to tell you if hardwiring your security alarm system is even a possibility.


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

You made some good points there. I did a search about the subject and almost not got any specific details on other sites, but then great to be here, seriously, thanks.

- Lucas